Just as a background, I am a real person who suffered for over five years with these damn plantar warts. And it is my hope that, with the information here, you will once and for all eliminate your warts and save yourself some of the pain I went through.This article is written as a caution to those seeking treatment for their plantar warts. It wasn't after I had tried over a dozen different ineffective methods that I discovered a completely safe, painless and effective way to permanently remove plantar warts in just three days.
This list is just a few of the methods I tryed that DID NOT WORK.. Do NOT try any of these methods, as they dont work. Regardless of the fact that they have been practised for YEARS.
Learn from my pain... and do what works.
Cutting: First off, I tried this many times. It seems like an instinct to just cut the darn things out by the root. I even was advised by two doctors to do this and let me tell you, it is really fucking painful. Even worse, is it bleeds like crazy and then grows back stronger, deeper and bigger. Don't bother this method. If you find that they are growing out too much, use a pumice stone. These are great for shaving off the outside part of the wart.
Keratolytic Chemicals/Trichloracetic Acid/Salicylic Acid: Now, let me begin by saying that these products are bullshit. I spent over $300 on every over the counter acid for plantar warts on the Canadian market and even one that require a prescription from a doctor. There are all pretty much the same. Acid is applied to the wart, and a bandage/band aide is used to hold down the acid. They recommend replacing the acid once a day usually. This remedy kills the wart and often the skin around the wart as well. You are able to see it come apart, and you will often see the roots. The problem is, the root is never destroyed completely and after the acid is finished, it just grows back. Sometimes because the acid will kill all the skin in the area, the wart is now able to grow back bigger and tougher. After months of doing this, I realized that I was wasting my time (and money). Not to mention, this stuff is very painful. Dont bother with any of the brands out there. CompoundW, Dr. Scholes and all the others are examples of this. If you dont belive me, do some research on the net and you will see countless reviews of customers that didn't get any results.Duct Tape/Glue/Coco Butter: I wasted about a year on a number of methods that theorized you could deprive the wart of oxygen and that somehow the wart would die off. We now know that a wart is a virus, and that the blood flow to the wart is what feeds it. So the duct tape method is also bullshit. Years ago the US military released a study that suggested duct tape helps. We now know better. We now know that the immune system is what s the wart. The healer within destroys the wart and depriving the wart of oxygen is ineffective. Interestingly enough, there are many advocates of this technique, and you can find people on the net who share their story. The only problem with these stories is that, on a conscious level it appears as if the duct tape was the cure even though it was NOT.
Pulsed Dye Laser Therapy: The laser treatment is pure crap. Its more painful then having your eyeballs poked with bicycle spokes. When you get blasted with the laser, the wart burns into bits of dust that go everywhere, even into your lungs (scary stuff). And the worst part is the roots are unaffected. It took about 2 weeks for the plantar warts to grow back. Painful, dangerous, ineffective and damn expensive!
Tea Tree Oil: I went through about three bottles of this stuff. Tea Tree Oil is great for many skin aliments, but when it comes to plantar warts.. completely useless. It softens the wart and it smells nice, but thats about it.
Cryosurgery (cryotherapy) AKA Freezing: This is about the most painful treatment. First you have to pay a licensed medical doctor. He sits you down, and then proceed to apply liquid nitrogen to your wart (which is very sensitive to begin with). And when you think you can't take any more pain, the good doctor proceeds to freeze the next wart. Soon after, the wart blisters and eventually scabs over. Then for the rest of the day as you walk about doing your business, you feel the pain in every step. I went back to my family doctor over FIFTEEN times and endured this torture. I even have a stack of appointment slips at home to prove it.
Over the past few years, a number of companies have come out with products that allow you to do this on your own at home. The general consensus I get from my colleagues and friends who have used them is that they are pure crap. Useless.
Burning: I watched a friend of mine heat up his lighter until it was red hot, and then proceed to hold it down against his wart (he screamed like a little girl). Years later the wart went away on its own and now all that remains is a 'happy face' burned into his palm.
I have also heard of people using incense sticks and holding them against the wart. I have seen a video on YouTube of this and I have posted it on my blog.
Banana Peel: I admit, I was so desperate that I tried this one. Don't bother.
Homeopathic/Natureopathic: One day I went to a homeopathic doctor who advised me to try this medicine. I can't even remember the name of it, but to make a long story short, the stuff tastes like pine needle juice. Every day for a month, I had a few drops of this juice. The doctor told me this long story about how in ancient times monks who had warts ate pine tree needles and lost the warts, and how this was the origin of this plantar wart remedy (and probably genital warts too). The bottles of this stuff are expensive and I never saw any progress during the time I was taking it.
In my next article, I will explain in step by step detail how I made all my warts totally disappear in just a few days. How I finally got the clear and healthy skin I wanted so bad and how my confidence and self-esteem went through he roof!
I recently got cryosurgery for a wart on my right knuckle that's been there for 3+ years (if more). It was pretty deep so the doc sprayed alot of liquid nitro onto it, and a HUGE blister (diameter slightly over 1 inch) formed and kept growing after a week so I had to get it drained.
It took another week to completely dry up, and two weeks for the dead skin to fall off... except that the wart's still barely there. The entire ordeal lasted well over a month and I'm trying the duct tape now that I see the wart returning.
I vaguely recall having a planar wart on the bottom of my right foot when I was very young and being an adventurous kid, I took a tweezer and firmly yanked the wart, root included, right out of the socket... sounds nasty but it was really satisfying. There was a huge hole there that took some time to fill up. I remember putting transparent tape over it to cover the hole. I also helped my brother get rid of his wart the same way, but he did have some bleeding. This may work for some individuals with warts on the palms of their hand feet, hope this helps.
I'm a fairly impatient man. After reading several posts, I,ve decided to have a go at cutting out the wart on the palm of my hand with a pair of clean, sharp, fingernail clippers. I just couldnt bear the thought of waiting weeks for results. It's been a bit of a bloody mess, but I feel good about cutting away at the thing. I,ve tried cutting away the surface of the wart in the past, but it always came back. This time I really dug deep and pulled out the roots. I'm considering another drastic move too; I may fill in the hole with super glue, That will be sure to suffocate any remains of the little bugger. I'll post on the status of this later.
HAHAHA Yes, the awful old wart issue. Way back in 99 or so I did a bizzare thing to my warts: I burnt them off with straight poison oak juice (they turned black within about 20 seconds). Then, stupidly, I put a large bandage over the whole thing. About a day later I had a blister the size of a nickel beneath each one. It was so full of liquid it pulled the wart up so I could see through the blister to the root... creepy! Two days later, not having popped the blister, I realized I had a long itchy red line up my arm, into my armpit (the warts were on my wrist). Hmm... blood poisoning! Yikes. So I ended up cutting off/out the warts with my pocket knife. Well, that was the end of that. And, strangely enough, the one on my foot went away too, as well as one on the inside of my elbow. All my warts were on the same side of my body so I thought maybe they grow as one giant organism. Anyway, eight years later, I am getting another one, of a different type, on my thumb, on the other side of my body. I am looking for ways to cure it without physical damage! I'm not such a macho girl anymore.
okay, so I had a huge bulbous pile of them on my big toe. Acid first, every day for a week. Shave off dead skin, but try not to draw blood. Proceed to use the acid in combination with the duct tape every day until they go away. Be super diligent about it. It WORKED.
I've always used my nail clippers on them and just hacked away until I see no more strange looking skin, I just did this and it actually went down to the pt where I bled, but its actually relitively painless and has worked for me every time I've seen one.
I have this annoying one on my foot. It sucks.
I have this annoying one on my foot. It sucks.
ok i had 3 and 2 of them disapeared by time and you know why, exactly what i was doing to make them disapear. ok first off i'll tell u how i got them on the bottem of my foot i had 2 one between my toes one on my heel and i new it was because i played losts of spots and was always on my feet. so basicaly i did nothing to it. my summer break came and instead of biking and doing all these sports i started playing games putting my feet up on a table and basically sitting most of the day, and because i started doing that it started to heal, if the reason i got it was because the pressure i was putting on my feet then the reason it went away is because i bearly was on my feet for 3 week.but because i started gamming my palm was always on the edge of my laptop in the same spot then i got a wart their so then i quit gamming and trying not to touch the wark or put pressure on it or use that area of my hand for anything and it went away. (so basically the key is avoid making the wart have any contact with anything foe atleast 3 weeks and dont touch it or squeez it or put any pressure on it)(JUST LEAVE IT BE)
The duct tape removal method is NOT bullshit. It worked for me in only 3 weeks! So you just got schooled!
cutting works but get a podiatrist to do it because they actually know wat they are doing and after they cut it out they have this thing tht has electricity and then he rubs on the inside of the cut to kill the little remaining virus and u dont feel a thing because they numb it
When i was younger i had a decent size one on the bottom of my left foot, it took me about a week to fully get rid of it by cutting. Every night i would take 30 min to cut the skin around it which was dead and move deeper and deeper to the root, i would only get blood sometimes. After about of week i finally got close enough to the root to be able to rip out the whole thing, and let me tell you, that was a great moment and i felt very accomplished. Never had any wart problems after that
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